
Political Map

There were many important cities in Japan but the most important are Tokyo, Kyoto (#22), and (#11) Hiroshima.
Tokyo was originally a small fishing village called Edo. But in 1603 when Ieyasu Tokugawa won the battle of Sekigahara, he began governing from Edo. Kyoto  was still the official capital, because that is where the emperor lived and "ruled," but Edo where the Shogun was was where the actual power was. It remained the capital until the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. It was then that the Emperor moved to Edo and renamed the city Tokyo.
Hiroshima is located at the southern east coast of japan, on the main island of Honshu. It is located at the delta of the Ohta river, the perfect place for a trading city. Hiroshima was also involved in the bombing of Japan in Word War III.
Kyoto was another important city. Before Tokyo became the capital, Kyoto was the capital.This is where all the important Government people worked and lived. The Emperor also lived and worked here. Though it wasn't clear at the time, it is very clear now that the emperors had no real power and that shoguns actually ruled the country.

Physical Map

There is only one feature in japan that is worth noting, and that is Mt. Fuji. Mt. Fuji is the highest point in Japan and has a lot of spiritual belief behind it. For people that follow Shinto, the mountain is a living embodiment of the goddess of nature. If you don't follow Shinto, but are a writer, It also has meaning. It has been the subject of many Haikus. 