Describe the influences of China on the developments and culture of Korea, Vietnam, and Khmer

China is a large country, therefore, lots of influence on surrounding countries. Three in particular are Korea, Khmer, and Vietnam. Korea touches China and has been influenced by Chinese culture for a very long time. Japan was actually influenced by China through Korea. In 108 B.C. the Han dynasty invaded northern Korea. The Koreans resisted and won back almost all of the lost territory by 75 B.C. Even after this invasion the Koreans still modeled their government after the Chinese. They also learned rice cultivation, paper-making, and printing from the Chinese. In addition, They adapted artistic styles and pottery making methods. The Koreans also got Buddhism and Confucianism. Japan also got buddhism and Confucianism from Korea as well. The Vietnamese were conquered by China in 111 B.C. At first, the Chinese rule was easygoing, but later, the Chinese forced Vietnam to adopt their culture. They required people to follow the principles of Doaism and Confucianism and to dress like a Chinese. In 40 Trung Trac and her sister, Trung Nhi rebelled unsuccessfully. The Vietnamese rebelled a lot over the next few centuries, but they kept adopting new principles of Buddhism. When the Tang dynasty weakened, the Vietnamese broke free. Khmer was a very powerful empire to the south of China. They only adopted the ability to cultivate rice from the Chinese.